It's sort of my bucket list that I began a couple of years ago.
There's about 40 things on there that I want to accomplish in my life here on earth. And it's a work in progress.
You can read about it here.
Actually I'm very glad I blogged about it, because you see, I've lost it.
Number 1 says "Own land in the country. "
And hooray for us, because as of a couple weeks ago, my husband and I purchased a little bit of acreage outside of town.
Yea! Cheers! Hoo-rah!
And maybe not so hooray-ish, is that instead of a wonderful, historic, restored, beautiful farmhouse with a wrap-around porch like I imagined in my mind, there is a 1978 trailer house instead.
Yep, a trailer house and an old one to boot.
Not exactly a dream home, but it's a home nonetheless.
Now I've really had to put my money where my mouth is since I claim to be all about living simply and simplifying my life, and not worrying about possessions, and all that jibber jabber I've been talking for the past few years.
So J-Dub and I have diligently been working, with some help from our friends, trying to make this place not look like a trailer and feel more like a home. But at the same time, trying not to sink a whole lot of money into it, believing that it is simply a stepping stone to a permanent home later.... with a foundation.
Jason's new term of endearment for me is his "queen of the doublewide trailer"
If you don't know the Sammy Kershaw song, you'll need to listen to it below.
We've got big dreams for our trailer and lots of paneling to paint in the meantime.
I'm going to be posting before and after pictures of our Extreme Makeover Trailer House Edition, as soon as we actually get something finished.
So in the meantime please ignore the paint in my hair.
Your Majesty,
(yes, it's ok if you call me that)
I admired the way the Mexicans turned mobile homes into permanent houseing by adding on, lots of rock work and patios, a deck on top on the trailer where all the barbecuing and cooking goes on, just very unique do what you can with what you got. Some of them are very interesting. So go for whatever. Great story too. uncle leon
Seriously Angel, if anyone can pull off the Doublewide's you. Do you NOT remember the transformation you did on the garage apt. at Granny's???????
And now I must bow down to you, as I keep telling Mike I won't do it because he'll never build me a house if there is one already there! :)
BAHAHAHA!!! Too funny! Oh my, that's great. Sounds like a lot of work! Hey, I'm terrible at building stuff and know almost nothing about repairing. However! I know how to clean, am great at organizing, and I follow directions well! I'm here, why not utilize me? I'd be glad to help! 664-1235 if you need me!
Angel J-Dub will have to install your pedestal sink for you this time. the one in grannys apt was enough for me. lol Eli
Thank you, thank you, thank you for my comments! I never get any and I love them!!! Leon, I've never seen the Mexican trailer houses, I might need to look into that. Amy, yes Grannie's apt. was a big change, and this whole lifestyle is going to be as well. Kevin, good grief you're great to offer your help. I would love to visit with you! Eli, did I ever tell you thanks? If not, thanks!
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