Today is the official first day of summer break for me. I awoke early, created my to-do list, and feverishly attacked it. The house hasn't been cleaned in months and the dirt and grime is stacking up. Not to mention, we had the bathrooms redone, so we've been living in a bit of chaos of late. So with apron on (for the pockets) and timer ready (the only way I can stay focused) I got busy. I was doing just fine until my husband calls to announce he has discovered a house for sale, in the country, with a little acreage, not too far, possibly at the right price. At first, I wasn't interested. My first thought was (no I like my house I don't want to move) but my mouth said (okay I'll drive out there). Well as soon as I saw it, my imagination got the best of me, as it always does. Now, I'm scheming all the ways of possibly selling our house and moving. And I think that is just crazy. I haven't even seen the inside. So with prayers sent up, I will trust God for what is meant to be.
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