Here in my life in the past few months, several marriages of friends and mere acquantainces have ended or are ending. Amanda from the blog asked what advice would we give couples or our friends to have a healthy marriage.
So I began thinking of the advice I've been given.
Proverbs 12:15b "but a wise man listens to advice"
Proverbs 19:20"Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise"
One of the things that we did at our reception, was to ask each guest to write down some advice for me and Jason....I loved it. Some just gave well wishes. But it was so cool to have some advice in witty forms and some in serious. So I decided to pull out the cards and spend some time remembering. It made me smile so much that I wanted to share. Here are a few:
- Marriage takes three: you two plus Christ.----Angi & Mike Woelfle
- Trust in the Lord and one another. May He be the Lord of your home and you shall have a wonderful life together!---Pete & Julie Towles
- May God be the center of your life together.---Carol Stribling
- Marriage is work-for both of you-Always look past the choices each of you make to the reason behind them. In everything you do, do it in love. Jason- Remember to communicate! Its not easy for guys. Angel-Submit! I see you working on it. How great it is, is up to you---Susan Ratzlaff
- I hope you have a beautiful life together, and beautiful children---Jennifer Fine ( I threw this one in just for cuteness)
- It is a blessing to find someone special. Treat each other with love and respect.---Farrah McCuistion
- Truthfully it is a rocky, rough road to travel, but let me assure you, that if you stick the course the scenery is magnificent---Curt McCuistion
- Be happy, Life is short. Love each other forever.---Jane Danielson
- Give em hell. Don't back up, never!! Y'all have fun from now on.---Mark Smith (Jason's dad)
- Always tell each other I love you, morning, noon, and night!! It helps!!---Jerome & Wendi Johnson
- Keep the Lord head of your house. Jason---pick up your socks! Angel--Don't wash reds with whites! --- Linda Webster
- God planned this wedding and your destiny before the world began. Look to Him and He will never fail you.---Velta Edwards
- Hang on tight. Don't get bucked off. ---Kelly Culver
- Never forget where you came from.---Cara Morris
- Here's to a happy life---your home filled with love, warmth, compassion, understanding--a lot of merriment and a little wealth. keep the lines of communication open, cherish each other, love and protect each other----This is my prayer for you. ---Dad '04
I saved the best for last! Yes, and it may be because its from my dad, its a bit more special to me.
As I type this, I couldn't help but think of where these people are today. Some of the marriages have endured some tough challeges. Some that were strong then, have ended now. Some already had failed marriages when they wrote those words. Some had lost their spouses to death too soon. Hopefully, someone reading this will see light for their dark tunnel through the wise words of people who are living life, just like us. Ride the will be worth it.
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