Rocket Surgeon: A person with less-than-stellar aptitude. A mixture of "rocket scientist" and "brain surgeon" This phrase describes a person who is neither.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Advice on Marriage (not from me)

One of my favorite blogs to read is The living proof ministry Blog which is Beth Moore's ministry. Beth Moore has been such a blessing to me in my spiritual walk. I have completed about 4 of her studies, which are so profound and I DVR her teachings on Wednesday mornings on Life Today. Today her daughter was posting about marriages that are under attack by Satan. Beth Moore says that Difficulties come in waves. If you can make it through the wave you're on, you'll find that it will end. Just because it's hard right now and just because you don't feel any affection for your mate at this moment doesn't mean it will never go back to normal. Or even to better-than-normal. Persevere, pray, and read your Bible.

Here in my life in the past few months, several marriages of friends and mere acquantainces have ended or are ending. Amanda from the blog asked what advice would we give couples or our friends to have a healthy marriage.

So I began thinking of the advice I've been given.
Proverbs 12:15b "but a wise man listens to advice"
Proverbs 19:20"Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise"

One of the things that we did at our reception, was to ask each guest to write down some advice for me and Jason....I loved it. Some just gave well wishes. But it was so cool to have some advice in witty forms and some in serious. So I decided to pull out the cards and spend some time remembering. It made me smile so much that I wanted to share. Here are a few:
  • Marriage takes three: you two plus Christ.----Angi & Mike Woelfle
  • Trust in the Lord and one another. May He be the Lord of your home and you shall have a wonderful life together!---Pete & Julie Towles
  • May God be the center of your life together.---Carol Stribling
  • Marriage is work-for both of you-Always look past the choices each of you make to the reason behind them. In everything you do, do it in love. Jason- Remember to communicate! Its not easy for guys. Angel-Submit! I see you working on it. How great it is, is up to you---Susan Ratzlaff
  • I hope you have a beautiful life together, and beautiful children---Jennifer Fine ( I threw this one in just for cuteness)
  • It is a blessing to find someone special. Treat each other with love and respect.---Farrah McCuistion
  • Truthfully it is a rocky, rough road to travel, but let me assure you, that if you stick the course the scenery is magnificent---Curt McCuistion
  • Be happy, Life is short. Love each other forever.---Jane Danielson
  • Give em hell. Don't back up, never!! Y'all have fun from now on.---Mark Smith (Jason's dad)
  • Always tell each other I love you, morning, noon, and night!! It helps!!---Jerome & Wendi Johnson
  • Keep the Lord head of your house. Jason---pick up your socks! Angel--Don't wash reds with whites! --- Linda Webster
  • God planned this wedding and your destiny before the world began. Look to Him and He will never fail you.---Velta Edwards
  • Hang on tight. Don't get bucked off. ---Kelly Culver
  • Never forget where you came from.---Cara Morris
  • Here's to a happy life---your home filled with love, warmth, compassion, understanding--a lot of merriment and a little wealth. keep the lines of communication open, cherish each other, love and protect each other----This is my prayer for you. ---Dad '04

I saved the best for last! Yes, and it may be because its from my dad, its a bit more special to me.

As I type this, I couldn't help but think of where these people are today. Some of the marriages have endured some tough challeges. Some that were strong then, have ended now. Some already had failed marriages when they wrote those words. Some had lost their spouses to death too soon. Hopefully, someone reading this will see light for their dark tunnel through the wise words of people who are living life, just like us. Ride the will be worth it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The link.......

Here is the link to my book competition that I want everyone to take a few moments in September 2009 to visit and vote for my book. Don't worry.....I'll remind you!

And for this, since I am listed last, I would like to quote Matthew 20:16....."The last shall be first and the first shall be last" Nothing against the letter A......just proclaiming the truth!!!

My guide to self improvement

Sometimes a girl has to just admit when enough is enough. I am all about improving myself. I know I need it. There are a million things I want to do in my life and about a gazillion areas that I can change for the better about myself. I have been on a downward spiral in my self improvement and it is high time to turn the tide (whether it be low or high, I'm not sure). Now that summer is here, I am finding too much time on my hands. And you know how the saying goes "idle hands are the devil's workshop" and I sure don't need him around any more than he already is. I'm a bit on edge as well. I really am quite the procrastinator and put-things-off(or). A schedule does me good. I would love to sit home and produce gut wrenching, tear jerking, novels but I know that a tall order of self discipline would be required. So, just to mention a few things that I am doing each day to make me a better human "bean".

I am almost obsessed with a new form of yoga that I discovered known as kundalini yoga. It is not really a series of poses with long deep breaths that I used to associate with yoga, although there are some. Rather it uses rapid, rhythmic breathing known as the breath of fire to try to unleash our energy that is housed on chakras down our spine. So far I'm buying it, almost addicted to it. I find myself a bit light headed and it gives me almost a high. Love it!

Acai berry......not sure if this is just a huge fad or something worthwhile. I do believe that on this earth, the Good Lord has provided everything we need. I know not all the mysteries and cures of the world have been uncovered yet. And I'm not talking about in a lab. I'm talking about nature made remedies. Now this acai berry is getting a lot of press lately. There are claims it is curing everything under the sun. I pride myself in not following in my mother's footsteps and being completely gulliable. Acutally I think I tend to hang off the edge of nearly completely untrusting. So after a lot of research, I purchased a freeze dried version of the acai berry and have been consuming it daily. Haven't noticed any great gains yet, but this is the beginning stages and we'll see. I'm sure I am not hurting myself any.

There is a room in our house that is a cluttered mess. Actually I am sitting it in now. The desk is completely covered. No, not with pencils and papers and bills....well, some, but with things that don't belong on a desk like a pillow, a watering can, pumpkin seeds to plant!! CD's are strung along a cabinet, papers piled high, books piled higher. So each day I am baby stepping along getting this room uncluttered.

Hopefully my summer plans can be carried out.....update later.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy You and Me Day!

Today I'm nostalgic. Five years ago, I walked down the aisle, an old bride at age 29. It was a simple wedding with a great party and Jason and I were some of the last to leave. We were just having too much fun. The years that have passed between us have been, for the most part, great. Our first year was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. But each year is getting easier and easier and I'm hoping soon that it will just become effortless....doubtful but still hoping!

Us then......

I get to scratch off #35 on my list (See The List below). The traditional gift for a 5th anniversary is wood so Jason and I met up this afternoon at my favorite place (I need a name for this place I love, so any suggestions send my way). I took a basket of rice krispy treats, his favorite, and a pocketknife. We carved our initials in that old cottonwood tree, branding it with our love forever.

#35 Carve my initials in a tree with my true love!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


You rolled down the passenger window and waved at me while I was doing door duty at school. You hugged me when you saw me. You did hip thrusts with me and Susan when we were exercising and it made me laugh. We played hide the thimble. You gave me lice!

April 29.... Granny's little daily calendar sits on my desk. "Dustin's birthday" is written in her shaky cursive. I was at the hospital visiting Aunt Bert. You called. I said to tell you Happy Birthday. You said I better keep Granny's calendar forever. I will.

That was the last time we talked and it was through Susan. I can't remember the last time we really talked. Maybe it was parent/teacher conference day. You'd given Harley 50 bucks for his birthday. I said I'd be sure to come by on my birthday. We laughed together with your arm around me.

One month ago today it all ended. I wish we had more time to make memories.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The List---A work in Progress

  1. own land in the country

  2. have at least one library shelf full of my published books

  3. visit new york with jolea and my nieces at christmas

  4. own chickens, goats, cows, ducks, and barn cats

  5. sit on the side of the road and sell home grown veggies

  6. drive a classic pickup

  7. learn to ride a horse

  8. paint pictures that someone would hang in their house

  9. do missionary work in africa

  10. spend time in anacortes, washington

  11. swim with dolphins

  12. watch ashlynn graduate from college

  13. teach an exercise class

  14. make money off the stock market

  15. learn to cook

  16. bake delicious homemade bread

  17. have a flowerbed that is deserving of a picture in better homes and gardens

  18. be my own boss and make money doing it

  19. go to a mudbog

  20. snorkel

  21. go sailing and wear nautical looking clothes

  22. camp in palo duro canyon

  23. go to australia with jason

  24. play guitar

  25. dance barefoot in a dancehall on a wooden floor

  26. make friends with an elderly person

  27. go skinny dipping

  28. have my picture made western style and look like a floozie

  29. ride horses in montana

  30. learn from the amish

  31. beat stan at dominoes

  32. eat crawfish in louisiana

  33. go to the horseraces

  34. rv in every state in the united states

  35. carve my initials on a tree with my true love

  36. ice skate

  37. play piano for an audience

  38. enjoy drinking beer

  39. weave a basket or rug with a real indian woman
  40. go to luckenbach texas

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summertime, and the livin is easy

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a
summer's day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float
across the sky, is by no means a waste of time


I always knew I wanted to teach. I was the kid whose mom and dad let me turn the garage into a classroom. It was complete with every thing a teacher could need. The stuffed animals were all in their rows. I built my own podium, which fell over when I walked past. I made my own U.S. map to pull down from the ceiling that had to be rolled up and tied with a piece of yarn. And...I have never confessed before now, that I stole a chalkboard eraser in second grade from Mrs. Auwen. I was tired of using a sock. I would teach for hours.

In my garage classroom, it was a perfect world. I had a class size of 6. The monkey stayed in his seat, the elephant never forgot her homework, the owl never showed me up with his intelligence, and the sign on the door read "no grumpy parents allowed". As I look back, what a boring classroom it was!

Where was the child with ADHD? The one with Aspergers? The one who sleeps through lessons? Where’s the one who never turns in assignments? The one constantly blurting out? The one never paying attention? Where’s the one who bullies other kids? The one whose parents are divorcing? The one who is trying her hardest and still failing? That describes a more typical classroom doesn’t it?

I have learned that teaching is a career of compassion. Through the past 9 years, my students have taught me more than I have taught them. It is these children, our "challenges" who have taught me important life lessons: lessons of compassion, lessons of tolerance, lessons of patience, lessons of love. Because every child in my room is someone else’s son or daughter. And they are trusting me, yes to teach them, but more importantly to treat them with goodness and to love them. Even the ones who are hardest to love. A good friend and colleague once told me, "They won’t remember if you taught them their multiplication facts, but they’ll remember how you treated them."

The "challenges" that have come through the door of my classroom have become some of my greatest blessings, not only because they’ve made me a better teacher. But because they’ve made me a better person.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy, happy, joy, joy

Some of the best news arrived in my yahoo inbox today. I have been selected as one of the 12 finalists in a children's book competition. My head is absolutely spinning. I jumped around my house yahooing for about 12 minutes, praising Jesus. Now my adrenaline rush is over and I'm wrapped up in a whirlwind of craziness. I can not get my head to settle down. Even as I try, doubt and failure begins to creep in. Emotions, emotions. I am continuing with positive self-talk. I visualize the outcome I want. Jeremiah 29:11 folks.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I was doing just fine until.....

Today is the official first day of summer break for me. I awoke early, created my to-do list, and feverishly attacked it. The house hasn't been cleaned in months and the dirt and grime is stacking up. Not to mention, we had the bathrooms redone, so we've been living in a bit of chaos of late. So with apron on (for the pockets) and timer ready (the only way I can stay focused) I got busy. I was doing just fine until my husband calls to announce he has discovered a house for sale, in the country, with a little acreage, not too far, possibly at the right price. At first, I wasn't interested. My first thought was (no I like my house I don't want to move) but my mouth said (okay I'll drive out there). Well as soon as I saw it, my imagination got the best of me, as it always does. Now, I'm scheming all the ways of possibly selling our house and moving. And I think that is just crazy. I haven't even seen the inside. So with prayers sent up, I will trust God for what is meant to be.