Rocket Surgeon: A person with less-than-stellar aptitude. A mixture of "rocket scientist" and "brain surgeon" This phrase describes a person who is neither.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Funny Stuff My Niece Says

Funny #1----

She loves Halloween and last year she went as a bunch of grapes.  This year she told me she was going to go as an apple. 
Grapes last year and an apple this year.  I do believe she has a theme going on. 
Pumping her fist in the air she cheered, "Go Protein!!!"

Author's Note:  Everyone thought she was a tomato.

Funny #2----

The new home we bought is rather close to railroad tracks.  At first we thought the rattling of the trains would really bother us, but Ashlynn paused in the painting of her bedroom and announced,
"I've hardly noticed the last four trains that have gone by here."

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