Remember that old black man says, "you ever think of naming this boat? It's bad luck to have a boat without a name."
So he names it the most beautiful name in the wide world: Jenny.
Recently me and J-Dub bought a place. A trailer house in the country. I love our little place. It's my quiet oasis. An escape. Our little ranchette, our ranchito, our little trailer house on the prairie.
But as much as I love it, we've been having some bad luck:
Day 1---I sliced my hand open ripping up carpet (blog to follow someday).
Day 3 and 4---I was home sick from work throwing my guts up.
Day something else---our guinea bird that we inherited broke his leg and then was eaten alive.
Day something else---Jason's horse got sick
Day 4 or 5 days later----Jason's horse got sicker
Three days ago----Jason's horse died (blog to follow someday).Too much sickness, death and pain for 4 weeks.
I'm a tad bit superstitious, so like Forrest, maybe it's bad luck to have a trailer house in the country without a name. Because right now we just call it "The Place".
J-Dub calls me up. "Where you at?"
"I'm out at The Place."
Or I might ask him, "What are your plans."
"I'm going to work on The Place."
"Where's our broom?"
"I took it to The Place."
Even my mom is calling to say, "I'm coming out to help you work on The Place."
We've gotten accustomed to it so far, but it just doesn't sound very homey and I don't think it will look good hanging on an arch above a cedar lined entrance. Someday.
Jason and I have tossed around a couple of ideas, but we are having trouble roping the right one.
So I'm having a little contest right here on my blog.
I'd like all of you who read this to submit suggestions of names for our place.
Bring on your ideas. Stop our bad luck!!!
Give us a name for our new little homestead and you could win a $25 gift card from Lowe's Home Improvement. Since that's where I'm spending most of my money right now, it only makes sense.
To enter to win, just think of something clever, cute, original, homey, ranchy, or catchy for us to call our new home, make sure it has good luck attached, then leave it in a comment with your name and you could win.
We'll pick our favorite from among the entries, and if we hate them all, we'll just pick a winner at random!!!
This contest is going to run for a week so all you creative minds can think, and think, and think, and think.
Enter to win with as many names as you can think of.
Winner will be announced sometime next weekend :)
Isn't this fun??????
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