Rocket Surgeon: A person with less-than-stellar aptitude. A mixture of "rocket scientist" and "brain surgeon" This phrase describes a person who is neither.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lucky Days!

Remember when I  broke my mirror and was automatically assigned seven years bad luck?  If not, read here.

I'm here to tell you, that is all bull hockey.  You can take it to the bank.

Because if I was having bad luck, I wouldn't have this story to tell you.

Since breaking my mirror, I have looked high and low, far and wide for another one.  A pretty one.  Not a plastic one with a handle from the drugstore.

This past weekend, we went into a consignment shop, and I found this little treasure for $7.50!  You can't beat that. 
The kicker is, it's almost identical to my last one.

TAKE THAT, Superstition.

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