Rocket Surgeon: A person with less-than-stellar aptitude. A mixture of "rocket scientist" and "brain surgeon" This phrase describes a person who is neither.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Friday Night Frolic

Sometimes, not real often, Jason and I act fancy. 

We dress up.
He loves that. 
I don't.

We go out.
He loves that.
I don't.

This past weekend we got all spiffied up and went to the big city to eat expensive food.  He had elk, the couple with us had halibut and ribeye steak.  But I chose the lamb chops.   I made the best decision of us all, hands down.  They were not good.  Good doesn't even begin to describe them.  Even delicious is not the right word.  Succulent, delectable, now that's getting close.  Drizzled underneath these lamb chops was a spicy, sweet jalapeno currant glaze.  Oh holy heavens, my mouth is watering.

 Pardon me while I wipe the saliva off my keyboard.


Sorry about that.

I'd never had lamb chops before but I think they have surpassed #2 on my list of favorite foods.

My List of favorite foods before Lamb Chops.
1.  Cereal
2.  Pound cake

My List of favorite foods after my Heavenly Experience of Lamb Chops.
1.  Cereal
2.  Lamb chops
3.  Pound cake

Not much can beat cereal in my book.  I love all kinds.  From Raisin Bran to Fruity Pebbles and all in between.  I've always imagined if I were an inmate on death row, what I'd request for my last meal.  I'm a simple girl.  I'd probably just say, Pour me a bowl of Cap'n Crunch. With whole milk.  But after Friday night, it just might be lamb chops, baby.  I wonder if the penitentiary cook can prepare lamb chops with jalapeno currant glaze?  Doubtful. 

After our fabulous meal, we ventured over to a symphony where we heard an instrument I've never heard of before.  It's called the arumba,  arimba,  rutabaga, marimba.  Being the cultured one that I am, I can only describe it as a big xylophone with pipes. 

It was amazing how a tiny little woman could play this thing.  She used sticks with colored balls on the ends and held two in each hand and manipulated them in ways that was unbelievable.  She had to spread her legs wide to be able to reach both ends. 

It was like watching those girls at the circus who can do all those hula hoops.  Fascinating.  You just sit there and think, Now that takes some talent.

I think I only dozed off twice.  But I told Jason I was closing my eyes to experience the music, to become one with it.  Sshhhhh.  That will be our little secret, okay?

But what I really want to know is, what would you request from the penitentiary cook?

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